Mediation is an effective alternative to litigation, yet many are not aware that it is an option.
Please browse our Tips & Resources section for valuable information on the Mediation process.
The People's Mediator
Mediation is an effective alternative to litigation, yet many are not aware that it is an option.
Please browse our Tips & Resources section for valuable information on the Mediation process.
By Jill Kalter
When speaking about experiences living in a community association more often than not, there are war stories and complaints coming from all sides. But having recently attended a conference for Community Association Managers (CAM) I must admit I did not feel remotely close to a battlefield or to any … [Read more...]
By Jill Kalter
Here we go again… an HOA vs. a homeowner’s display of a flag. This past Friday a U.S. Marine veteran living in a community in Kentucky received a violation notice from his HOA’s Property Management Company. The Marine proudly flies the Marine Corps flag over his garage, as does one of his neighbors. … [Read more...]
By Jill Kalter
Have you ever considered community association living similar to belonging to a club? And just like belonging to a club, for those who live in a community association, membership is required. Once you receive your copy of the rules and regulations and the invoice for the annual dues you are a member … [Read more...]
By Jill Kalter
Every December since I’ve moved in to my (HOA) community our Board of Directors along with the residents have held a holiday party in a common area within the community. Our community park has a lovely paved, well-lit path that leads into a long, … [Read more...]
By Jill Kalter
By Jill Kalter
Effective communication and negotiation skills: Tips to a productive dialog. Tip #1. Be clear and concise in your thoughts. Tip #2. Articulate what it is you desire, need or expect. Tip #3. Positivity goes farther than derision, so be kind with your words. Create a foundation … [Read more...]
By Jill Kalter
Word of the Day: EMBEZZLE Embezzle: To steal money that you have been trusted with. I enjoy researching and reading all things related to Condo/HOA living. I do so not only because it keeps me up to date in the arena of association living but I find it intriguing and at times, a bit … [Read more...]
By Jill Kalter
Even at the earliest stage of conflict mediation offers an opportunity to resolve issues in dispute before filing a lawsuit. The simple approach to requesting mediation can come from your Attorney, on your own accord, from your Board, your neighbor or a vendor may request mediation to avoid … [Read more...]
By Jill Kalter
What is the role of your CAM (Community Association Manger) versus that of your Association Board? Ask any homeowner or Board Member what they think the role of the CAM is and undoubtedly based on how many people were asked you will get that number in different answers! If you live in a community … [Read more...]
By Jill Kalter
Is a receiver needed or in the best interest of your condominium or homeowner’s association to carry on its affairs under certain circumstances? Association and board members may not even understand the duty of a receiver as defined by their state laws and governing documents. “State laws for … [Read more...]